The protagonist lives a reality that is sometimes absurd, and at the same time very close to the life we know. He changes his place, his partner, his identity, but he continues to suffer from the same problems. Until he decides to turn to a professional. From there, his life changes.
Targeted Age Group:: 18-100
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I like to write about what I see. We are living in a very special moment, we have more resources and technology than in other times in the world, and yet we continue to relate in the same way as there are centuries ago, with small changes. Communications govern our lives, in theory, and the connection between us is not always made
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
This is a question that is easy to answer. The characters come from many sources: situations lived by me, from scenes seen, from anecdotes they told me. IF I observe a person in a situation that strikes me, I generally imagine him as one of my characters, or as a facet of a character.
Book Sample
The protagonist lives a reality that is sometimes absurd, and at the same time very close to the life we know. He changes his place, his partner, his identity, but he continues to suffer from the same problems. Until he decides to turn to a professional. From there, his life changes.
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